Letters to President Samarasekera

2 Responses to Letters to President Samarasekera

  1. Arts Squared says:

    President Samarasekera has replied to this letter, and Professor Sale has written to ask if her reply may be posted here. We hope that President Samarasekera will welcome the opportunity to share her views in the space of this “virtual square.”

  2. Jean DeBernardi says:

    It is now January first. For the first time in several years, I have made no donations to the university in 2011.

    In addition to my regular donation, last year I also made a “donation” through a salary reduction that I thought I was making altruistically. But when I went to donor dinners to my disappointment I heard administrators boast about their success in fundraising but heard not one expression of gratitude extended to faculty for the collective sacrifice that they made. I have resolved to make no further donations to the university until I see a change in climate. I wonder when that might be?

    I recently met the retired Dean of a major medical school. He was a Dean at our medical school when the Klein cutbacks occurred in 1993, and he decided to take a job elsewhere. He observed that the University of Alberta was good at putting up buildings but they treated their people badly. I had to agree with him. Does our administration realize how bad our reputation as an institution is? Does anyone care?

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